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Looking for LOVE in all the wrong places?!

In today's world, we often hear people searching for their soulmate, perfect match, or twin flame.
Our society has unconsciously trained us to look for love outside of ourselves.
What if you've been looking for love in all the wrong places?!
The truth is, you'll never find the love you seek if you're constantly looking outside of yourself.
By neglecting ourselves, we're unconsciously sending the signal that it's okay for others to neglect us too... which is probably not the kind of behavior we want to invite into our lives!
February 14th is well known around the world as Valentine's Day. Whether you're single, dating, or in a long-term relationship, it may or may not be your favorite day of the year.
But what if you shifted your focus from seeking love externally, and turned inwards? 
When we learn to love ourselves first, practice self-love and self-care, we empower ourselves to manifest the kind of love we truly...
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How to Float Through the Holidays with Ease

Before you say Fa La La the holidays... take a deep breath.

Seriously. B R E A T H E. ;)

Mindful breathing helps to realign your energy and release emotions. Did you know that learning a relaxing breathing technique can help you float through the holidays with ease?

One of the easiest techniques is Square Breathing. It's as simple as it sounds.

Imagine as you breath that you're drawing a square:

  1. Inhale up the left side of the square as you count to 4 (1 thousand one, 1 thousand two, 1 thousand three, 1 thousand four).
  2. Hold the breath across the top of the square as you count to 4.
  3. Exhale down the right side of the square as you count to 4.
  4. Hold the breath across the bottom of the square as you count to 4.

This is one cycle. Repeat the entire process (steps 1-4) four times for a total of 4 cycles. Repeat as often as needed throughout the holiday season.

This simple mindfulness exercise helps to re-center yourself, release stress and tension... allowing you to focus...

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